MediaWiki API result

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
        "allmessages": [
                "name": "ipb-blockingself",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-blockingself",
                "*": "You are about to block yourself! Are you sure you want to do that?"
                "name": "ipb-blocklist",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-blocklist",
                "*": "Tazama vizuizi vilivyomo"
                "name": "ipb-blocklist-contribs",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-blocklist-contribs",
                "*": "Michango ya $1"
                "name": "ipb-blocklist-duration-left",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-blocklist-duration-left",
                "*": "$1 left"
                "name": "ipb-change-block",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-change-block",
                "*": "Re-block the user with these settings"
                "name": "ipb-confirm",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-confirm",
                "*": "Uthibitishe uzuio"
                "name": "ipb-confirmaction",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-confirmaction",
                "*": "If you are sure you really want to do it, please check the \"{{int:ipb-confirm}}\" field at the bottom."
                "name": "ipb-confirmhideuser",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-confirmhideuser",
                "*": "You are about to block a user with \"hide user\" enabled. This will suppress the user's name in all lists and log entries. Are you sure you want to do that?"
                "name": "ipb-default-expiry",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-default-expiry",
                "*": ""
                "name": "ipb-disableusertalk",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-disableusertalk",
                "*": "Kuzuia mtumiaji huu asihariri ukurasa wake mwenyewe wa majadiliano wakati amezuluiwa"
                "name": "ipb-edit-dropdown",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-edit-dropdown",
                "*": "Hariri sababu za kuzuia"
                "name": "ipb-hardblock",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-hardblock",
                "*": "Kuzuia watumiaji walioingia katika akaunti zao wasihariri kwa kutumia anwani hii ya IP"
                "name": "ipb-needreblock",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-needreblock",
                "*": "$1 is already blocked. Do you want to change the settings?"
                "name": "ipb-otherblocks-header",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-otherblocks-header",
                "*": "Other {{PLURAL:$1|block|blocks}}"
                "name": "ipb-unblock",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-unblock",
                "*": "Acha kumzuia mtumiaji au anwani ya IP"
                "name": "ipb-unblock-addr",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-unblock-addr",
                "*": "Acha kumzuia $1"